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Towerborne Weapons – Dual Daggers

Two finely crafted daggers adorned with striking green and gold embellishments.

Hello Aces and adventurers, and welcome!

Today we conclude our look at the various weapon types in Towerborne. We’ve already looked at Sword and Shield, Warclub, and Gauntlets. If you haven’t caught up on those posts yet be sure to check them out. Now we’ll discuss one of our favorites, Dual Daggers!

Weapon Fantasy:

  • Fast, Multi-Hit Attacks
  • Air Juggling Galore
  • Evasive Combat
  • Teleport Attack to Cover Distance 


Dual Daggers is the weapon for combo masters and button mashers. The moveset is fast-paced and extremely flashy, but requires the Player to be incredibly efficient with their attacks in order to keep the damage output on par with the other weapons. Think of it as “death by a thousand cuts”, except through numerous ground and aerial combos! 

Animated image of a soldier using two daggers to attack an enemy.
Shadow Feint

The Daggers rely very heavily on their Weapon Mechanic as a way to both deal and avoid damage. Hitting the Weapon Mechanic button triggers Shadow Feint, an attack that throws a dagger out from the Ace to a point on the battlefield. An Ace is teleported and damage is dealt when the thrown dagger either hits an enemy OR the dagger reaches the limit of its range. Shadow Feint works on a diagonal as well.

Animated image of a soldier using two daggers to attack an enemy.
Shadow Feint Angle

Animated image of a soldier using two daggers to attack an enemy.

Shadow Feint Down Angle


Let’s take a look at 3 Focus Skills of the Dual Daggers

Animated image of a soldier using two daggers to combat enemies.
Lightning Step

Every weapon needs a combo starter, and Lightning Step is the perfect one for the Dual Daggers. A simple high-damage attack that launches both the Ace and a single enemy up into the air, giving you the perfect setup for excessive combo damage.

  • Launches a Single Enemy
  • Big Burst Damage
  • Sets Up Aerial Combos


Animated image of a soldier using two daggers to attack an enemy.
Shooting Stars

Every weapon needs a good “Get Off Me” ability, and Shooting Stars is it. An area attack where the Ace will jump into the air and throw out a number of projectiles. These projectiles knock all enemies back and deal damage in the process.

  • Large 360° Area of Effect
  • Knocks Enemies Backwards


Animated image of a soldier using two daggers to attack an enemy.

Silver Strikes

Silver Strikes is a big multi-hit attack that works perfectly as a closer after a successful combo Ender. Or maybe you want to use it to set up a big combo. Either way, do an absurd number of hits for a big chunk of damage.

  • Multi-Hit Attack
  • Close Range Frontal Attack
  • High Damage if Every Attack Lands


The Daggers are absolutely the weapon of choice for players who are always looking to push the boundaries of combos and look flashy while doing it!

And with that, we close out the Weapons of Towerborne series. We can’t wait for you to try them out and find your favorite build.


Until next time,

Farewell and fight well, Aces!