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Towerborne Weapons – Sword and Shield

Hand-drawn picture of a stylized sword and shield.
Towerborne Rune Sword

Hello Aces and adventurers, and welcome!

Every Ace worth their salt knows the importance of a good weapon and the time it takes to master it. Towerborne has several weapon types for the discerning Ace and today we’re going to take a look at Sword and Shield, a staple of the combat genre.

Weapon Fantasy: 

  • Fast-Paced Moveset
  • Easy Combos – both Ground and Aerial
  • Reliable Damage
  • Mix of Single Target and Multi-Target attacks
  • Defensive Playstyle

Sword and Shield is the weapon that any newcomer should feel comfortable picking up, and will also provide a decent skill ceiling for more advanced players. It is the only weapon type with the ability to block, allowing players to actively mitigate incoming damage (on a successful block, the player’s Ace will take reduced damage).

Animated GIF of two characters fighting. One holds a sword and blocks with a shield.

In addition to blocking, skilled players can also parry most attacks, which will nullify damage while giving them a brief window to retaliate (on a successful parry, the player’s Ace will take no damage). Higher skill players should find that Sword and Shield opens up opportunities for longer ground and air combos.


Animated GIF of two characters fighting. One holds a sword and blocks with a shield, knocking the other character back.

The Sword and Shield also has a unique weapon mechanic: Valor ModeWhen the Ace fills their Weapon Meter (this is filled by dealing and receiving damage, completing combos, etc.), the player can activate Valor Mode, mitigating all incoming damage by a percentage for a limited period of time. During the duration of Valor Mode, the player does not need to time their parry, but will instead automatically parry incoming attacks by simply holding the appropriate button. If, however, the player opts to engage more skillfully, they can attempt to time the parry perfectly, and should they do this, the enemy is stunned for a number of seconds. 


Animated GIF of two characters fighting. One character holds a sword and blocks the other character with a shield, stunning them.
Valor Mode

Aces who choose the Sword and Shield will be able to unlock new Focus Abilities to use in combat. Focus Abilities are weapon-unique abilities that require Focus to use during combat. Focus is acquired when players complete combos, do damage to enemies, or take damage during combat. While there are a number of Focus Abilities to unlock over time, players may only select 2 abilities to take with them into combat. These can be changed any time outside of combat.


Here is a quick look at 3 of the Focus Abilities that will be available for Sword and Shield:

An animated GIF of 5 characters fighting. One holds a sword and shield and runs through the others, pushing them aside with the shield.
Shield Rush

This is the classic “Shield Out, Dash Through Enemies” move. This is an excellent long range mobility move that can break blocks and knock around enemies!

  • Grants Player Invulnerability During Rush
  • Block Break Enemies
  • High Mobility

An animated GIF of 4 characters fighting. One holds a sword and shield, jumps, and slams into the ground causing the other characters to fly in the air.

Is there a cooler move than jumping in the air and slamming your shield down for big damage and launching enemies into the air? We’re not sure, but this is a great way to do damage to a pack of enemies while launching them in the air, allowing you time for a follow-up aerial attack.

  • Medium Radius Area-of-Effect Attack
  • Player can Control Direction Mid-Leap
  • Launches Enemies

Animated GIF of two characters fighting. One holds a sword and shield and move quickly with the sword out, driving it into the other character.
Dashing Skewer

Sometimes you need to deal with a single big threat in the fight. Well, this is your go-to ability–Dash straight to a target, stab them for a moderate amount of direct damage, and then inflict a damage-over-time bleed effect.

  • Single Target Attack
  • Inflicts Bleed Damage-Over-Time
  • Medium Mobility

That’s a quick look at just a few of the Focus Abilities that will be available for Sword and Shield players. There are more, but we want you to be able to discover them as you play!

Check back later as we continue to reveal additional weapon types that you can play in Towerborne

Until the next one,

Farewell and fight well, Aces!